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Could A Person Really?


iPF Noob
Could a person really do away with their Kindle, cell phone, and personal computer and simply carry an iPad? Could they eliminate their MP3 player as well?

Not merely asking if the technology exists, but rather, would a person with low-level techy skills find such mulitple uses comfy?


the computer issuse could be solved by useing two diff ways one useing the computer at work or use a family member home computer set up.along with getting rid of the mp3 player unit and useing the ipad as a mp3 player is also can be done..

but far as getting rid of the cellphone ..no for most people it a basically the only way to get in touch with someone now days.. but people do not have a land line in there house and use a cellphone as there main means of a communication device ..

if you do not travel alot get a cricket or merto pc phone with unlimted talk plans for as little as 30 dollars a month ..mertopcs has a smart phone with ther smart phone plan for 50.dollars a month ..
Yes, but you still would need a PC of some sort to sync with. VOIP should be possible on the iPad.

Yeah exactly.

One could
switch to Skype for telephone needs, but without a better file management the iPad would fail as a do-everything device.

For me, I need somewhere to be able to download, play flash and rip DVDs to iPhone/iPad compatible formats all in the background - but that goes way beyond the 'low level' premise of the OP.
I don't think it could replace all of that. It does make for a good portable device though, with capabilities to do so much. But I agree with the others that you need a personal computer to sync with and back everything up on. If it was more like a tablet computer running more of a computer os and not a phone os, then it would be able to replace the more components.
Certainly Yes! Since I got my iPad, I don't bring any gadgets with me rather than my iPad. This magnificent computer tablet, you've got everything that you need.
Although all those things can be done on an iPad, they can all be done on laptops and net books but nobody does it and I would not do it on an iPad myself either. It's not portable enough. I can just picture someone jogging about with the iPad, listening to ACDC...:p
Well, okay so we are agreed then that the iPad does replace the Kindle with ease and comfort?

Are we as agreed that the iPad replaces the MP3 player just as well? Seems so, from what all y'all have said.

Just not the cell phone or the pc? Does it fail as a pc because of the touch screen? I'm not entirely sure I followed what Takenover83 said. Do you mean you'd still need an ISP before an iPad could surf the 'net?

Don't they make gizmos these days to let us collect the 'net via WiFi? How come any of us is still paying for an ISP, if that's true?

Please "talk slower" folks...LOL. I am a techy idijit and I am thrilled at the possibilities, but a but uncertain it'll all work just as I envision it.

Thankies for the help. I plan to decide what sort of gadget to buy within the next couple of months.
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Yes, I think everyone here agrees that it makes a good reader.

It'll a great MP3 player as well if you don't mind sacrificing a little portability.

What Takenover83 was talking about is that you still need a way to get stuff ON to the iPad that you may already have: books, videos, MP3 files, Apps etc. The iPad doesn't work like a computer where you can just find something on the internet and save it. Yes, some stuff works great just downloading directly to the iPad, but some stuff doesn't, thus you'll occasionally need a computer connected to the internet. It doesn't have to be yours, it can be a family members, but you're gonna need access to it from time to time.

About the ISP, yeah, you need that still. How are you connecting now?

Clarification 1) If you really want to surf from home, you'll probably want a Wi-Fi router at home. Meaning the iPad doesn't have any cable to plug into the internet.
Clarification 2) If you want to surf from wherever you are, and don't mind the monthly fees (connecting via Wi-Fi at home is free) then an iPad WiFi + 3G can do that. But you still need something at home to move all your stuff from the PC to the iPad.

(Small print: If you don't know what the heck I'm talking about in 1 and 2 above, you're gonna need a friend to help. They'll have to rig a little box with an antenna in your house. Most people with a modest technical understanding can do that.)

For your understanding:
Wi-Fi is fast, but short range. Its a little box in your house with an antenna on it.
The other connection type is called 3G, and that connects over cell phone towers, for a small fee.

For our understanding and further help:
How are you connected to the internet right now? Do you have dialup internet at home or something else? If so, what and with whom?
Do you like the idea of surfing anywhere you have a cell phone signal, even if it costs a little more?
I already sold my Sony reader, and Nintendo DS Lite. All I need is a desktop for music production, Photoshop and iPad syncing.... iPhone, and iPad.....
I've given my Kindle to my son. Have not listened to music on my iPhone or iPod since getting the iPad, and can't imagine buying any more DS or PSP games because games are so gorgeous on this screen! Have used my computer only to sync, but will use it for MMOs since this Grandma is an avid gamer and well as gadget junkie!
This is thrilling and as it happens, I do have some techy friends. But I kinda sorta wanted to hear from folks who are using the iPad as I would like to.

Back in the day I bought a crib/high chair/chair seat/toaster...and it did none of its functions well. I am kidding, but you take my meaning...I'd love to consolidate down into one device but I fear it may not be feasible.
I've given my Kindle to my son. Have not listened to music on my iPhone or iPod since getting the iPad, and can't imagine buying any more DS or PSP games because games are so gorgeous on this screen! Have used my computer only to sync, but will use it for MMOs since this Grandma is an avid gamer and well as gadget junkie!

cherhall, I was willing to chance it. I wanted to wait a few weeks to buy an iPad and my brother was convinced I'd be horribly disappointed, so he gave me a new pc before I could get an iPad, he he he. Families, huh?

Now I need to upgrade my cell phone to an iPhone and I am wondering again, why not simply get an iPad?

BTW, are we permitted to ask general computing questions? I would like to know why any of us pays for an ISP if we can just buy a gadget or two and get free WiFi. But I am new here and need to mind my manners, yanno?

Thanks to everyone who has replied.
I think that depends on what you use your computer for. If you just check some mail, play simple games and browse the web than sure. If you do more complicated stuff then I'd say no. While some might argue that you could use it with a keyboard and external screen and that that might make it a replacement for the computer, I feel that it still laks the power and memory to run heavy apps like Servers and Programming env.
I guess that what i am trying to say it that it could replace a computer for an average user.

For games I prefer Xbox, Wii and my PC. So for me that will most prob not be a usage area. But who knows :)
BTW, are we permitted to ask general computing questions? I would like to know why any of us pays for an ISP if we can just buy a gadget or two and get free WiFi.

Don't be confused, WiFi is not an ISP. Wi-Fi is type of network.

ISP is kind of an old term, but if you define ISP as a way of getting on the internet, then Wi-Fi definately doesn't replace an ISP. You could say that 3G can replace an ISP, but slowly and for a cost.

Tell us how you're connecting right now to the internet so we can clarify a little better.

Are you connected to your cable TV box?
Do you have Wi-Fi at home? (no cable to your computer, but you have a little box with an antenna on it)
Are you connected through the phone lines?
Are you at a friend's house or library?

I would recommend checking out "Internet for Dummies" to understand more. You can read it online here:
The Internet For Dummies - Google Books

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