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connecting to the internet via a pc???


iPF Noob
Hi all,

Am brand new to the forum, and Ipad in general so please bear with me. I am looking for a way to connect my ipad to the internet by using my PC's 3g dongle... Any ideas? I am running windows Vista and using a huwaie dongle. My pc has an internal wireless network Card.

Is it possible to connect my PC to the internet using the usb 3g device, and then have my ipad connect to the internet wirelessly through my pc? almost using my pc as a 'wifi hotspot' if you will?

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I dont really want to have to shell out 20 quid a month for the privilege of getting Wifi in my apartment.


I'm not sure about Windows Vista, but I know for Windows 7 there is a program available to turn your PC into a hotspot.

Typing "Virtual PC Hotspot" into Google yielded several promising results that you can look into.

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