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Code 21 Error


iPF Novice
OK, so I gave my iPad 2 to my son, taking everything off pertaining to me, but not totally resetting so he could retain the jailbreak. Shouldn't have.

When he tried to sink, it would keep putting my name up in the iTunes telling him he couldn't, blah, blah. Everything was turned off pertaining to me, but something stuck. Even name was his name everything.

So he decided to reset all. Yep. Was stuck on the plug into Apple, so I had him put it into DFU mode. The computer is recognizing DFU mode. First got the 1601 error (think it was) Had to uninstall iTunes. The device appears to still be in DFU mode. So I get the proper file DL'd to his desktop -- am doing this remotely as it's hard to explain and he understand. Am trying not to just update it to 5.1.

I have the file for 5.1 ipad two wifi/3G with AT&T. Still recognizing that it's in DFU mode, giving the message to restore. Shift/click restore. Starts extracting -- get the dreaded 21 error code. I have everything turned off on Norton's, checked to see if he perhaps had windows defender running. Something was turned on even tho Norton's totally off. STILL getting the 21 error now. What do I do?

Is it possible he didn't put it into DFU mode properly and I need to have him redo? It's a blank screen...but been plugged and unplugged several times (even tho told him not to), but iTunes is still recognized it need to be restored. Checked updates on Windows...all up to date. iTunes the latest since I uninstalled everything -- everything pertaining to iTunes, but thinking, not sure if I deleted anything in the system file, which I think I had to do before -- this is a Win7 64 bit computer.

I can't find an answer to this on in my search.

Yes, I knew that, too...DL'd the 5.1. Was/did the Shift/Restore because it was JB on 5.01. He bricked it after I sent it to him -- within 1 hour. I FINALLY got it to work. Don't know exactly what I did right, but I reinstalled iTunes to get past the first error, recognized it, and then got the 21 error code. I made it work, but not sure which one did it. I was working his computer remotely from Texas...he lives in Florida. I walked him through putting it into DFU. iTunes recognized as needing restore, but the S/R mode would start, then flip out the 21 error code

In going thru, knowing that is the security error code, I started looking for firewall, etc., to turn off. I had completely shut down Norton's Internet Suite, but still getting the error. I realized he Windows Defender running also. Disabled it. Shut down the UAC. Exited iTunes, unplugged iPad2. I had earlier had the ipsw file in Downloads, transferred it to the Desktop. Knew an earlier JB wouldn't install from the DL folder. So tried that. Rebooted PC. Had him change to a USB port in the back where I knew there was a 2.0 powered USB because I had given him the CPU unit and put that in there earlier. In rebooted PC, making sure Norton's was down, WD was disabled, plugged in iPad2, which activated iTunes, recognized DFU need to restore iPad2. Holding breath, did S/R, found ipsw file on Desktop. EUREKA! Off and running. So I don't know which one worked, but it did. It was hard to maneuver remotely -- used CrossLoop this time. Even tho wasn't terribly slow, just some things weren't responsive from my end...like the holding the Shift key on my end wasn't recognized. He had to on his end. 6 fr----- hours figuring that out. Felt good to make it work. Your DFU for Dummies was well read.

Thanks you!

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