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Bluetooth issues


iPF Noob
I am not able to get bluetooth working properly to sync with my Blackberry.
The iPad shows up ok in the BB and the BB shows in the iPad but shows as not connected. I have deleted and reentered the pairing several times but the iPad still shows its not connected.
I have also tried pairing the iPad with a bluetooth headset - unsuccessfully. what am I missing or will the iPad not sync with certain types of bluetooth devices.
The BB curve 8900 would be a useful sync to exchange contacts.
Hello lenwest, welcome to the Forum.

I am not able to get bluetooth working properly to sync with my Blackberry.
The iPad shows up ok in the BB and the BB shows in the iPad but shows as not connected. I have deleted and reentered the pairing several times but the iPad still shows its not connected.
I have also tried pairing the iPad with a bluetooth headset - unsuccessfully. what am I missing or will the iPad not sync with certain types of bluetooth devices.
The BB curve 8900 would be a useful sync to exchange contacts.

I see that you posted here and in new member intro. I'm sorry that you didn't get an answer. I'm replying only because I wanted to give some other forum members a chance to reply.

The only thing I've paired with my iPad is a Zaggmate that has a built in keyboard. I believe the only bluetooth devices this iPad supports are peripherals such as keyboards. I'm thinking this extends to headsets so you can listen to sound on a wireless headset. But I don't think the iPad supports a Blackberry device through a bluetooth connection. I think you have to tether your Blackberry--but I also think that you have to jailbreak your iPad in order to use your Blackberry. :confused:
Thanks for the reply. The strange thing is that the BB paired with the iPad as each shows up on the other. However, on the iPad the BB shows as disconnected and that's as far as I can get. I have a Bluetooth earpiece that won't even pair.
I am somewhat disappointed in this lack of functionality in an otherwise very elegant little machine. (a camera, camera card reader, flashpoint and USB would make this little sucker perfect)
The only devices currently supported in the native iOS BT are keyboards and headsets. It will "pair" but not allow functions. Jailbroken iPads have an open BT Stack.
My iPad blue tooth connects quite well and easily to

my iPhone 4, my Motorola stereo headphones, and my Apple keyboard. That's as far as I have gotten or needed to get thus far.
ipad frustration

I can't get my ipad to recognise the bluetooth gadget on my Windows 7 Ultimate laptop, so I can't transfer files via this route. Can anyone please help?
As said above, the ONLY BT hardware that the iPad will recognize and work with are BT Keyboards and Headphones.

In case that was unclear - the ONLY BT hardware that the iPad will recognize and work with are BT Keyboards and Headphones.
The blackberry will pair to the a2dp on a phone but that is for music only and the 2 devices, though showing paired will not connect because on both devices a2dp is outgoing only. a2dp on the headphones is incoming so either device will connect to headphones a2dp but not hf protocol.
Trying to sync is obex or other bluetooth protocols that the Ipad does not support.

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Somerled - And with your iPhone4

I have an app that allows BT connectivity between your iPhone4 and iPad that sends photos taken with the phone directly to the iPad.
Wolfpuppies3 said:
I have an app that allows BT connectivity between your iPhone4 and iPad that sends photos taken with the phone directly to the iPad.

I use 'Bump' to do that.

Sent from Wales, using my iPad & iPF.
fuzzyfelts said:
I use 'Bump' to do that.

Sent from Wales, using my iPad & iPF.

Wales? There are more than two of us then :) actually, using a BT dongle, I have managed to get my iPad to connect ( briefly) to my Windows 7 64 bit laptop. But it's not reliable, but when was BT ever reliable. It works with Shazam and that's about it. I don't use BT keyboards or headsets, so can't comment on reliability with these devices, but BT in my opinion, is not a worthwhile connectivity option.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Vintage90 said:
Wales? There are more than two of us then :) actually, using a BT dongle, I have managed to get my iPad to connect ( briefly) to my Windows 7 64 bit laptop. But it's not reliable, but when was BT ever reliable. It works with Shazam and that's about it. I don't use BT keyboards or headsets, so can't comment on reliability with these devices, but BT in my opinion, is not a worthwhile connectivity option.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

Well there had to be two of us from Wales to make a discussion! Pembrokeshire me, how about you?

Sent from Wales, using my iPad & iPF.

Vintage90 said:
Wales? There are more than two of us then :) actually, using a BT dongle, I have managed to get my iPad to connect ( briefly) to my Windows 7 64 bit laptop. But it's not reliable, but when was BT ever reliable. It works with Shazam and that's about it. I don't use BT keyboards or headsets, so can't comment on reliability with these devices, but BT in my opinion, is not a worthwhile connectivity option.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

Well there had to be two of us from Wales to make a discussion! Pembrokeshire me, how about you?

Sent from Wales, using my iPad & iPF.

Down by the Taff in Llandaff Cardiff! :)
So, what I'm getting here is that you can not pair iPad with your BB. However, there might be some app out there for jail broken iPads that would allow that? Please help me out here.

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