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Apps will not install + how do I get more than standard brewer windows

1.When I download some apps in installous they install but don't show up on iPad any ideas?

2.how can I get more than 9 safari windows
Are you downloading them directly to your iPad, or into iTunes and then syncing?

If they are not showing Up on your ipad, then you are not actually getting them on there..... Apple support site Apple - Support - iPad has a lot of good info.

I didn't know what the window limit was in Safari, I delete if I get more than a few to free up memory, but I guess it's 9. And if that is the limit, then that's it.....
iPad is jail broken and apps are installed via installous. I use a filter to only show iPad apps some iPhone apps will crash ur iPad so I don't bother with iPhone apps. I have installed a bunch of apps this way but some don't show up after installation says it is successful. Besides I don't think apple will support jailbroken devices. I read somewhere u can get more windows for safari with some app. I like to look at a bunch of pages then go back to them later it sucks when click on a link and safari uses one of ur previously opened windows and does not let u have the option to go back.
1.When I download some apps in installous they install but don't show up on iPad any ideas?

2.how can I get more than 9 safari windows

After downloading in Installous, did you install them? After they download, you go into the download screen and tap on them. Then you get the option of installing or deleting them.

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