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Airstash photos - push from Ipad to mobileme


iPF Noob
May 8, 2010
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I have an airstash and I was able to 'save' the photos from the airstash SD card to my ipad (or so it says it did). I don't know where they go! They aren't in the photo app on ipad, they aren't anywhere to be found. The second question is how do I load them up to MobileMe? I plan to take a trip to China and want to upload my travel pictures to MobileMe and I want to just bring the ipad, not a mac.
Does anyone know how to do this?
When I've saved the pictures they go to the photo app in both my ipad and on my touch. Are you sure they aren't in there? Are they jpegs?
So how do you get photos from your iPad to Mobileme?

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