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Airport Security - Take it Out or Leave it In (that's what she said)


iPF Noob
New member here. Wondering if anyone has been through airport security yet with their Ipad. I'm not sure if the Ipad is considered by TSA to be a "laptop" device which would require that it be taken out of your bag and put in one of those screening bins alone. Or, is it considered to be more like a cell phone device whereby you can leave it in your bag and send it through the screening machine.
I have firsthand experience with going thru security and can confirm that the TSA won't require you to remove it from your bag. This subject actually ended up on our evening news the night I returned from a day trip. Funny thing is it didn't even dawn on me that the TSA didn't ask me to remove my iPad from my bag until I saw the story on the news when I got home. Just another benefit of an iPad over a laptop. Gotta luv it.
Yep, AOL actually put up a quick news article about it last night. Apparently, the reason why TSA requires that laptops be removed from carry-ons is that the machines can not see through the laptop to see what might be hidden underneath of it in the bag. Apparently, this is not the case with the Ipad.
they basicly on my trip they just wanted a closer look at it the unit ..the lady who did the screening just wanted a closer look that it ..nothing else was checked that day
Good to know, leaving for Germany in a couple weeks and I really didn't want to have to pull out the mbp AND the iPad
Your experience is great but at the end of the day TSA can and will do whatever they want. If they see it on the scan they can ask you to take it out and rescan - then you may end up in the sniffer line, or have your Ipad swabbed for explosives etc.... As a frequent business traveler my goal is not to hang out any longer than necessary in the TSA lines/process.

My Ipad has been on 3 air trips (going on another tomorrow) since the 3rd. My first trip with the Ipad on the 5th I pulled it out along side my laptop and placed each in a gray container with the Ipad face up (case on but open).

The only irritation I would have is if they asked me to remove it from the case -- that would be a PITA but so far has not happened.

I have firsthand experience with going thru security and can confirm that the TSA won't require you to remove it from your bag. This subject actually ended up on our evening news the night I returned from a day trip. Funny thing is it didn't even dawn on me that the TSA didn't ask me to remove my iPad from my bag until I saw the story on the news when I got home. Just another benefit of an iPad over a laptop. Gotta luv it.
The very first time I traveled with my iPad at LaGuardia airport I was asked to remove it from my bag and have it scanned. If the TSA wants to scan something trust me they will do it. I am not saying that they will want scan your iPad every time you go through an airport, but to suggest that they will not is misleading.
Just this morning (OK yesterday -Saturday morning), I was asked to remove my ipad for xray at security. I was told i could leave it in the sleeve, but it had to come out of the coputer bag.
iPad and cruising

I just returned from a cruise yesterday and security at the terminal asked me to remove the iPad from my carry-on during the embarkation process at the begining of the week. It was in a CIMO TPU case inside of a small netbook Incase. It wasn't a problem, though.

By the way, the Wi-Fi worked really well at the ship's various hotspots. We were on Royal Caribbean and used the cheapest wi-fi package to quickly check email, etc. Setup was very easy.
Just returned from Hawaii, and was not required to takeipad out of it's belkin sleeve when going thru security.

Used it poolside for most of the trip with only 2 overheat warnings.

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