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  1. M

    Apple and TSMC Working on Mass-Producing Thinner and Brighter Micro-LED Displays

    According to a new report in DigiTimes, via MacRumors, Apple and TSMC are currently working together to solve issues that hamper the mass-production of micro-LED display panels. Apparently, Apple and TSMC are in the process of developing applications using silicon-based backplanes (silicon...
  2. M

    New A10X iPad Pro Chip is the First of its Type

    AppleInsider reports that Tech Insights has found that the A10X Fusion processor in the newly released iPad Pros is the first chip in a device to use TMSC’s FinFET 10nm chip-making process. According to Tech Insights’ breakdown, the A10X Fusion die size is 96.4 square millimetres, compared with...