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ipad 5s itunes problem

  1. R

    iPad stuck in DFU mode, won't restore, itunes 4014 error

    My iPad was working well till the recent update 10.3.3 came out and I decided to update it. It failed to update and said an error occurred after that it started acting funny and wouldn't connect to the Wifi even after I entered the correct password. So I decided to restart it and try updating...
  2. JJ_BPK

    New Itunes only good for WIN & or later??

    I updated my 5S with ISO 9, no problems. Plugged it into the PC and itunes recognized it OK.. Started to update my Ipad and received message, you need a later version of Itunes,, BUT the ISO 9 seems to be installed.. When I plug the ipad into my pc to charge, I receive the following "The ipad...