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  1. M

    AT&T to Throttle Data Usage of Grandfathered Unlimited iPad Data Plans

    MacRumors reports today that AT&T has written to those of its customers who have grandfathered unlimited data plans for their iPads, telling them that, for all intents and purposes, their plan will no longer be unlimited from May 24, 2017. What this means, essentially, is that from that date...
  2. M

    T-Mobile and Sprint Launch Unlimited Data Plans in Time for iPhone 7 Release

    9to5 Mac reports that following on from AT&T’s announcement of its newly upgraded mobile plans yesterday, T-Mobile and Sprint have now revealed their new “unlimited” plans. T-Mobile appears to have had the most radical overhaul of its plans, removing all of them in favour of just one, the aptly...
  3. G

    Traveling to Canada with an iPad

    Can anyone direct me to the best iPad simm card options for traveling in Alberta & British Columbia? I will be in the country for about 2 months and have never tried buying a simm card in another country. My provider here in the US is AT&T.