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Shall i update or not

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That's exactly what I meant. Our iPad 2s are old based on it's making/internal hardware.

I am not going to argue with you, however, if the iPad 2 WASN'T part of the iOS 7 update--would you have complained because of that? I believe we would have members reporting their dissatisfaction of being "left out" of the latest update.

And thanks for saying that my example of windows was "ok," however, your request that Apple should have warned us is just simply wrong. I never recalled Windows warning us about updates that could have slow our machine down--never!
Every major Windows version change was preceeded by a list of minimum hardware requirements and we ALWAYS had a way back to the previous version.
Every major Windows version change was preceeded by a list of minimum hardware requirements and we ALWAYS had a way back to the previous version.

I fully agree, I was fortunate in that I was able to revert back to 6.1.3 before they prevented you from doing so, I think it's totally unacceptable not to give users the democratic option to revert back if they wish. Why Apple prevent you from doing so after just 1 or 2 days instead of much longer or just a month would be better than nothing.

It was definitely slower, with noticeable lag when typing, and the lack of any colour made it look crap, I couldn't even see video titles because some idiot at Apple failed to realise that white text does not show up very well on white backgrounds, they also failed to realise that having so many white coloured screens has the negative effect of using more battery. I'm just thankful I managed to revert my iPad-3 back to 6.1.3.

When you have a good stable firmware operating system, only an idiot would change it so dramatically, besides the issue of the OS growing into bloat ware, forcing people to upgrade their iPads to later models, where previously their current iPads worked perfectly and IMO looked far better too.
And YES I did do a hard reset, after the update, as I always do. I suspect this is one iPad 3 that will never get updated past 6.1.3. My wife's iPad-1 still runs well on iOS 5.1.1 (the last firmware for iPad1)
Has she missed anything...not at all, and her home screen certainly looks far better than V7.

IMO it appears to me that Apple have lost their way somewhat, they should not take away the option of choice, we are all different, we like different colours, it's this freedom of choice that helps to make us different, and that's not a bad thing, but Apple gives us no choice at all.

I just hated the new colour scheme, and the icons looked rubbish, why they don't allow the user to choose their own scheme or individual colours I really don't know, instead of concentrating on gimmicks we don't need, they really need to concentrate on giving us the basics we do need.
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Every major Windows version change was preceeded by a list of minimum hardware requirements and we ALWAYS had a way back to the previous version.

Apple would not have allowed the update for iPad 2 if it didn't fit the minimal requirements. There was a chance - a window to revert back to 6.1.3.

However that time has expired. Your best bet at this time is to provide your feed back to Apple and not here. If you are asking for help--our Forum will be happy to assist you. However, if the posts continue to be this, there is nothing more we can assist you with.

By the way, if windows was an ideal operating system--why did you go with an apple product to begin with? Just curious?
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I believe that by far the biggest grievance people have, is that Apple close the option to revert back far too early, 1 or 2 days is totally inadequate timescale to enable them to revert back to their previous iOS version, especially when people may upgrade well after that revert back window has closed. I'm sure it would make a lot of users happier if that window was greatly increased, or maybe give every user a 7 day option to return, so it expires 1 week after the update is installed... That would give everyone the opportunity to revert back if they wished.

I think a lot of people use PC's and Apple products, I have a fast PC, plus 2 iPads, including an Apple Air laptop, plus a Nexus 7 and 1 android phone and 1 iPhone. The point I'm trying to make is I don't feel I let any loyalty cloud my judgement or induces any bias into any posts I make, good or bad they all have their uses within the limits of their price and design. J2dawson made a valid point when he said PC's are totally open to let users do pretty much what want which accounted largely to its great success of course. Apple are one of the few that do not allow users a reasonable time to revert back or remove an update they find buggy or they just simply don't like it.

Many of us Apple customers tolerate it, but it doesn't mean we like it.
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No problems with my daughter's iPad 2 (iOS 7.0.3 in the meantime). Still works great.
Let's see--I also have an iPad 2, and android phone,an iPhone, 2 windows based computers running 8.0, a Mac book air running mavericks. So I do not have one loyalty either as you can see, but find satisfaction with Apple iOS and it's performance.
I updated and no problems at all ! Happy :D

Which is very good to hear, so I'm very pleased for you, however not everyone had such good fortune, leaving all the bugs aside which crept in the original v7.0, the fact is there were also some users who disliked the changes, myself for one. Many users may not have researched and therefore not aware of the changes I simply don't know, but some users are more discerning than others, some people will like some of the changes while other will not...its human nature.
Though I will say... In all the years I've used Apple products, and I've used Apple gear on-off since the 1st mk1 Mackintosh in the eighties, the v7 iOS had more bugs than any other I've ever had from Apple, Some of the silly bugs like picture app and the ability to resize pics, plus a few more is truly amazing they were not picked up in the beta test stages.

What I am saying is that almost every manufacturer of equipment which has the option to update its firmware or operating software allows it's users to revert back to the last stable version, or simply rollback to the previous version easily, if only to prevent many dis-gruntled users, and Apple should do the same.
Apple have always stated that by maintaining strict standardisation across its platforms both hardware and the operating system ensures they end up with a more stable product, and no one can argue against that, it's one of the things that's made Apple products so reliable in the past.

However, I see no reason whatsoever why preventing users from reverting back to their previous OS would jeopardise their efforts to maintain their normally stable and reliable platform. It's called freedom of choice and iPad and iPhone users don't have that choice once Apples ridiculously brief revert back window closes.
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Here is the link to the Apple Feedback: Apple - Feedback

Please everybody, for those who have posted their concerns within this thread and some of the others...please direct your concerns to the link posted.

We can go back and forth about the iOS updates, downgrades, lack of warnings, etc...however, at the end of the day we have to move on and adjust.

Thank you.

Ski ~ iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
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