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Sending Email from a different wifi


iPF Novice
Aug 14, 2010
Reaction score
Devon, England
If I send email from the Ipad at home using my own Wifi it goes immediately with no problems but if I try to send from my mates when I'm away it won't send and flags up an error message something like "smtp server not available"
Any ideas please?
A lot of ISPs won't let you send e-mail if you aren't on their network. For example, Time Warner Cable won't let you use Roadrunner while outside your home. Oh, and my college e-mail won't let me send mails from my college account if I'm not logged onto their network.

As far as I know, there is no way around it.

That's why I'm now the proud owner of a gmail account ... as it's web-based and they'll let you send from anywhere.

So, my recommendation is to get a web-based email such as gmail (or Yahoo, Hotmail, etc). You can always set up your accounts so it all looks as if it is coming from the same place....

'Bout the only thing I can think of for you to do while you are away from your home ISP. Sorry.


You can send college emails, when you set the email account as an exchange account, rather then a POP one. You will have to find out the domain and server though.

Otherwise you are correct. Many email services let you only send from the home network, because there is no way to ensure that you are the one sending the email.
Thanks both of you.
I've got a Google account but never used it, so I'll have to go back and see about getting that to work.
Thanks again,
Not necessarily.

Most email providers will let you setup the email account as IMAP, or Exchange, in which case it should work even from other places. Of course it depends on your provider, without knowing which email provider you currently use, this is all just speculation.
I've now set up the gmail, so for the number of times I need to send Email from the Pad I think that will be fine.

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