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Is the iPad Pro 'redundant'


Editor in Chief
Jul 27, 2011
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I have seen a few articles across the web that called the iPad Pro "redundant." Do you agree or disagree? Please discuss.
Whether or not the iPad Pro could be considered redundant is based on how one uses a tablet computer and whether or not the things the iPad could do for them can be more easily done on another platform such as a laptop or desktop computer.

The iPad Pro is better at some tasks than other computers and those other computers are better at some different things. If you're using the iPad for the things it's better at, it's certainly not redundant.
I'd say that the pro would be as redundant as an iPad mini. It's a different size option which has pros and cons just like the other size classes. I had a chance to check one out in the Apple Store the other day and thought the new screen and sound quality was great , not very portable as compared to the air and mini though. But ir I had an extra $1000 would love to have one kicking around the house.
My take is a bit different. The iPad Pro is what I wanted to see when the original iPad was introduced. It looks like an excellent productivity tool. Good for reading papers in their original size, and the Apple Pencil looks like it delivers the goods for annotating those papers in pdf format and doing math in handwriting apps.

I will know more after Christmas when I give myself a Pro!

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