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I need help with my jailbroken ipad2


iPF Noob
Dec 29, 2013
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So a couple of months ago i decided to update my jailbroken ipad 2 into ios 6(before ios 7 came out) and i forgot that if you update your jailbroken iDevice it gets stuck in recovery mode. After i pressed update everything was looking fine until it just stopped and showed the connect to itunes screen and i connected it to iTunes. I then tried to restore it and it didnt work so gave up. so now i dont have the same computer and i saw my ipad2 laying around and i decided to give it another shot, and i failed. i tried this on redsnow extras>evenmore>restore and i put the ipsw that i donwloaded (i have blobs for the ipsw the blobs i have for the ipsw are 6.1, 6.0.1, and 5.1.1) i tried the 6.1 and 6.0.1 and it said to put the 4.x ipsw to which i have blobs saved to, I DONT HAVE 4.x BLOBS! and then tried to re-restore with the 5.1.1 ipsw and it says re-restore failed. i have also tried the simple recovery fix button on redsnow and it says it isnt yet supported on the ipad2. i have also tried tinyumbrella. ALL HAS FAILED!! please help me fix this, i have tried everything i know!
thanks for the help J. A. but when i followed the steps correctly i got this. The iPad "iPad" could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (3194)
Interesting, as step 2 (fix hosts file) is to resolve this error. Did you skip that one, or did you perform it as well?
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You'll find valuable information in the other posts of that thread as well. Maybe they'll help.
Turns out all i had to do is use the latest os which is ios 7. thank you for your help :)

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