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  1. O

    Single-click Video Call

    Hi, I'm looking for a way to have an icon on the home screen that will trigger a video call to a specific contact. Do you know of such way? I don't care which video app (Google Duo/Hangouts, Skype, WhatsApp Video call, etc) - the only requirement is to have it video-calling with a single click...
  2. Expatriate

    What happened to VLC

    A couple of months ago I posted my trouble about uploading MPG files to my iPad Air. On advice I solved that by installing VLC. I would start iTunes and sync --> click on the iPad icon --> select Devices --> select VLC (I think) and I would have a list of the videos I had in the VLC library (I...
  3. Expatriate

    How do I get to watch a movie on my iPad Air?

    I have a movie (mp4) which I want to put on my iPad so I can watch it during a boring bus trip. I can load it into 'Films' in iTunes okay but how do I get to play it?
  4. Ashleigh E

    YouTube videos play out of sync on iPad

    I'm having an issue where I upload a video to YouTube, and the sound slowly falls out of sync when watching on iPad. I've tried everything I can think of (re-uploading, changing the bit-rate and the frame rates) but to no avail. Without fail, every time, the video will fall out of sync. This is...
  5. A

    I Hate, Hate, HATE Trying to Watch Video on My iPad

    It seems every video I try to watch has a different issue. I have had my iPad 4 for over four years, and I usually give up trying for about a year at a time - and watch vids on my Android phone (seamlessly) or my Windows PC (with nary a hitch), and even on my Samsung teevee off a USB stick. But...
  6. G

    Video Icons Missing

    This problem has existed for me for a number of iOS revisions. I have copied 34 movies to my iPad via sync with my Windows 10 desktop iTunes. 4 of those movies are missing their icons on the iPad. On the desktop, they still have their icons. If I delete the movies on the iPad and do another...
  7. D

    Is iPad Air 1 still a good buy for basic movie editing and Garageband

    Hi everyone, I'm on a tight budget. I will be traveling a lot to visit my fiancee and thought I might get a tablet for writing, playing virtual instruments and doing some video making...all for our wedding next year. I'm used to working with my hands so the idea of editing touching a screen...
  8. S

    Slideshow to video

    Not sure if this is the place to ask this but have no where else to turn. I took about 300 pictures with Canon 40d last week while in Grenada. Used a camera to iPad connector to upload 120 images to the iPad. In the apple photo app I selected the album containing these images and clicked on...
  9. G

    Video Glitch on iPad Air 2

    I have had an occasional problem with videos on my Air 2 that I don't think that I had on my Air. I have 64 videos taken with my Air 2 and 4 of them have a glitched picture. Note the right-hand side of the attached screen capture. It seems to be a duplicate taken from the middle of the...
  10. M

    Auto Focus

    If there a way to disable auto focus when taking video? Got this primarily to do HS football video and make the entire process of uploading to Hudl easier, but the auto focus keeps making it blurry every time for a brief second. Even if there is an app, but not sure how that will work within the...