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Getting Started With iOS 4.2

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So, if "being a sheep" is by definition "a timid docile person; especially : one easily influenced or led", and you are telling us to not upgrade, if we follow you and don't upgrade, we are being sheep. Quite the paradox.
I for one have only used the switch one time - and that was to see how it worked when I found out what it was for. Not once since. So I sacrifice nothing to follow the herd, baaaaad idea or not...
So, if "being a sheep" is by definition "a timid docile person; especially : one easily influenced or led", and you are telling us to not upgrade, if we follow you and don't upgrade, we are being sheep. Quite the paradox.
I for one have only used the switch one time - and that was to see how it worked when I found out what it was for. Not once since. So I sacrifice nothing to follow the herd, baaaaad idea or not...

Agreed...I used it maybe once or twice, then I realized the idea behind the device was the ability to rotate it at will....I use it equally in portrait and landscape and honestly find the orientation lock to be useless.
I was looking forward to this update, but I don't "upgrade" to something that is clearly a "downgrade". Until Apple pulls their head out of their ass and changes the screen orientation lock switch back to it's original intended function, I can't "upgrade". I use this switch multiple times per day, making this switch do something that was never requested, nor needed, is just plain stupid on Apple's part.

You should use an Ostrich for your avatar.

What you want will not happen; move on or stay stuck!
I was a bit concerned when I heard the orientation lock would change from the slider switch to an icon on the screen. I wasn't fond of the idea.

It took me all of 10 seconds to adapt to the new layout. Not only that, but I find the on screen screen icon is easier to locate and activate than the tiny physical slide switch on the side of the iPad.
This thread is suppose to be about ideas on how to get started on ON 4.2.1. It starts out with an excellent how to viddeo, one that gave several good tips on how got use the new OS. But instead of being a tool to discuss how to use the new OS some have decided to sidetrack it by makiing it their thread for voicing their com[laints about some petty annoyances.

Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying you shouldn't express how you feel but either start a thread on what you don't like about the new OS or find an exiting one. This thread needs to get back on track discussing getting started with OS 4.2.1.either get back on topic or we will have to close the thread.
it appears that there is no hope that the thread is going to stay on topic, so I am going to close the thread. It's a shame, the video on the opening post was excellent. But it appears people want to dwell on negativity so this thread is indeed closed.
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